Our Credentials
ImPAct Consultants was established by Peter J. Lawton who heads up the company. His background includes many years of consulting and coaching with executives, senior managers and employee teams. He was introduced to consulting when he was teaching in the School of Business at Queen’s University. At the time he worked with a group of Queen’s professors on a project to introduce business concepts to Ontario municipalities. This work led to a full-time career in management consulting with large well known consultancies such as PwC Consulting. Before establishing ImPAct Consultants, Peter headed up a number of business consulting practices with IBM’s Global Strategic Change Services. He brings his knowledge and passion to this business.
Our philosophy is to make sure that we bring the best resources available to focus on the client’s situation. With that in mind, ImPAct Consultants is connected with a group of consulting associates with complementary skills and knowledge. This group can be tapped into if required by the client. An example is our program ‘Let’s get Cooking!’ This is a unique action-learning, gourmet experience for management teams. For this program we collaborate with Leadership Within Inc., a Toronto management consultancy and also a professional cooking studio.