Our Services
Change management is now a core competence of today’s leaders and managers. However, many do not have access to the tools and skills required to drive a successful change management program. As a result, surveys show that many new projects and programs result in disappointments that do not achieve their expected potential. This is where we can help.
We bring 20 years of consulting, teaching and coaching to our work. We are trained change management specialists. Our contribution is not something that we do to you it’s something that we do with you. We work directly with the people that you assign to work with us, whether this is an individual, a group of individuals or a team.
A basic tenet of our practice is that while we understand change management, you understand your situation and requirements. This is the basis for a successful partnership. For example, we are trained to work with client change management teams that are mandated to drive the change management aspect of a specific project or program. This way we can work together to bring tools and skills that can be shared, customized and further developed with the people who understand your situation, history and current needs.
We provide assistance, coaching, teaching, tools, expertise and support so that we manage the change together. This is the most effective use of our time, and when we leave, your people are fully capable, trained and prepared to carry on the work and are confident and ready for the next change.